Science For All: a new project starting in 2022

For next year we are going to launch a project called “Science for All”. One of the key aims of our project is to offer STEM classes in Gemeindezentrum, Familienzentrum or Jugendzentrum in Kanton Zurich which are affordable so that children from all socio-economic backgrounds can take part and also to encourage more girls to become involved in science and technology-based activities.

Recent education studies have shown that children from high income families are more likely to succeed in school and that women are still in the minority in higher levels of the scientific world. We would like to do our part in helping to reverse these trends by offering children from all backgrounds the same opportunities to attend extra-curricular activities, improve their knowledge of science, increase their self-esteem as part of a team and encourage them to follow a career path in STEM-based subject areas.

The cost of delivery of classes in Switzerland is high (highly qualified instructors, venue rental, LEGO Education sets, computers, software licenses, lesson development etc) which results in course fees which are out of the reach of some families. For this reason, we are looking for sponsors who could support places on our courses so we can offer them at reduced or even no cost to low income families and also as promotions to try and attract more girls to become involved.

With your help we will be able to offer our innovative courses to more students and empower more children to create and learn with the power of technology!

If you are interested in making a donation or can suggest companies/organisations which may be able to support us, please contact us at

Little Scientists