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These General Terms and Conditions are a contractual agreement between parents and Little Scientists.
Parties to the Contract The parties to the contract are, on the one hand, the student or, if he is a minor, his legal guardians, and on the other hand Little Scientists, Technologie Zentrum Rüti, Joweid Zentrum 1, 8630 Rüti.
- Conclusion of Contract, Contractual Provisions and Registration Fee
The contract shall be concluded when submitting the registration form by the student and/or his legal guardians. After the contract has been submitted, Little Scientists shall charge a one-time registration fee based on the current price list. Little Scientists shall only guarantee reservation of the student’s place following timely payment of this fee.
Little Scientists is entitled to withdraw from the contract should payment not be made on time. Should the student decide not to make use of the place reserved for him, despite the fact that he and/or his legal guardians have already paid the registration fee, he and/or his legal guardians shall not be entitled to reimbursement.
- Terms and Conditions of Payment and Late Payment
Fees are to be paid before the start of each class. Should payment be delayed, Little Scientists reserves the right to commission a collection agency to recover the school fees. Little Scientists shall charge the debtor interest on arrears (5 percent p.a.), dunning costs (20 Swiss francs per reminder, beginning with the second) and collection charges.
- Ordinary Termination of Contract
The contract is terminated ordinarily upon the conclusion of the agreed period of education.
- Extraordinary Termination of Contract
Little Scientists may terminate the school contract with immediate effect and without notice, if the student commits a serious disciplinary offence or a crime, or a serious breach of school rules. The fees are not paid despite receipt of a warning sent with signature confirmation.
- Insurance
By signing the contract, the student and/or his legal guardians confirm that the student is covered by statutory health insurance in the event of an accident. Little Scientists does not offer any additional accident insurance. No insurance is included in the package price.
Cancellation and assistance insurance is recommended for all participants
- Emergency
In the even that the parent cannot be reached in an emergency when a child is under Little Scientists’ supervision, by accepting these Terms and Conditions, the parent gives permission for Little Scientists to act on their behalf in the best interest of the child.
All prescription medicine provided by a licensed Doctor must be turned into the camp/event staff upon arrival with instructions in English. This will be dispensed by camp staff only.
- Liability for Damages
The student and/or his legal guardians shall be exclusively and completely liable for any and all damages incurred on the way to school or within the school itself. Little Scientists , their employees, coaches/instructors, trainers, volunteers, directors, members and representatives , are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage of any kind sustained by any person while participating in any activities, events, outdoor sessions or lunch activities, including injury, loss or damage which might be caused by the negligence. All your child’s personal belongings are their own responsibility. Expensive and treasured items such as jewellery, designer clothes or shoes, trainers, etc., should not be brought to the Camps/Events.
- Publications and the Internet
Upon signature of the contract, the student and/or his legal guardians give their permission for photos and work of the student to be published in printed material, on displays within the school, on the school’s website or in e-newsletters. The student and/or his legal guardians may revoke this permission at any time in writing. However, it is not possible to revoke the permission for publication retroactively. A revocation will only be effective at the time of reissue of the medium in which photos or work of the student have been published. The copyright of all photography appearing on our brochures or websites belongs to Little Scientists. No reproduction may be made without prior permission from the Little Scientists management.
- Cancellation Policy
No refunds will be granted, or credits issued, for ANY reason. Please be aware of this when purchasing any activities. If you are not agreeable to this condition, do not proceed in purchasing camp sessions.
If a camp or event has to be cancelled or postponed due to “force majeure” or a human initiated action that cannot be predicted, including for example unexpected weather events such as storm or earthquake, a voucher will be issued to attend another event of the student’s choice. This voucher can be used at any time for a two-year period. If a registration is cancelled for any other reason before course commencement, no refund will be issued.
By payment of any sum to Little Scientists, you are acknowledging your agreement to the Terms and Conditions of Little Scientists as described herein.
- Privacy Notice
Participation in Little Scientists events requires you to share both yours and your child’s personal information with Little Scientists, including names, addresses, emails, payment related data and banking data.
Below is a brief description of how Little Scientists will use your information:
- Little Scientists, Technologie Zentrum Rüti, Joweid Zentrum 1, 8630 Rüti, Switzerland will keep your information on file.
- Little Scientists will use personal information collected for the purpose of proactive communication and conducting of Little Scientists Program your child applied for.
- Third parties may be used to keep and update this information in the Switzerland or in other countries whose privacy laws may not be the same as those in the country where you live. Little Scientists will require those third parties to store your information securely and not use it for any reasons other than what is described on this form.
- Little Scientists employees and instructors will be able to access some of your information if their work reasonably requires access to fulfil the purposes stated on this form.
- Documents related to your interaction with Little Scientists may be reviewed by Little Scientists internal corporate audit department or its external auditors.
- Little Scientists will share your information to respond to information requests of governmental authorities or where required by law.
- In very rare circumstances, where national, state, or company security is at issue, Little Scientists will share our entire database of visitors and customers with appropriate governmental authorities.